“By the way, do you notice anything strange about me?”

Third guy looks real close, squints his eyes a bit and says “Yeah

You wear contact lenses, don't you?”

“WOW!” says the interviewer, “That is REALLY perceptive of you! How did you know?”

“Well…” Says guy three…

“You sure as hell couldn't wear glasses!”

New Joke : Satanic Starbucks

A man died and went to straight down to hell. The devil greeted him and gave him a guided tour of the place. He told the man that there were three rooms he could chose from in which to spend eternity.

The first room was full of flames so hot the man couldn"t even breathe. He told the devil that there was no way he was choosing that room. So they moved on.

The next room they came to was full of people who were being beaten and tortured. 

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