The servant replied, “I served the dogs for only ten days, and they didn’t forget my service yet I served you for a whole ten years and you forgot all, at my first mistake!”
The king released his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free.
This post is a message to all those who forget the good things a person did for them as soon as the person makes a mistake towards them.
Don’t put out the history that is filled with good because of a mistake you don’t like.
Hope I made sense?
New Joke : A man is in bed with his wife
A man is in bed with his wife when there is a knock at the door.
He rolls over and looks at his clock, and it’s 3:30 in the morning.
“I’m not getting out of bed at this time,” he thinks, and rolls over.
Then a louder knock follows.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” says his wife.