As the night wore on, we discovered a shared love for karaoke. We took the stage, belting out a hilarious duet of a classic rock ballad,complete with exaggerated gestures and off-key notes. The audience loved it, and our newfound camaraderie became the talk of the town.

Eventually, the night came to an end, and the biker and I exchanged hearty laughs and firm handshakes. We promised to meet again for another round of drinks and antics. The once-menacing biker had transformed into my partner in laughter, and we left the bar with a tale that would be retold for years to come.

From that day forward, whenever someone asked about the time I shared a drink with a tough biker, I’d simply chuckle and say, “Oh, you mean my dance-off and karaoke buddy? We’re practically inseparable now!”

New Joke : A woman ask how old do you think I am?

A woman decided to have a face lift for her birthday.

She spent $5000 and felt really good about the results.

On her way home she...

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