Cancel Culture Is Going After Snow White Because It Promotes ‘Kissing Without Consent’

 Cancel culture continues to play a big part in the entertainment that we experience today. Love it or hate it, it seems as if it is here to stay.

Recently, cancel culture has also gone after a beloved movie that’s been around since 1937. Snow White and The Seven Dwarves was the first full-length animated film by Disney, and it is undoubtedly one of their greatest classics.

The movie was inspired by Brother Graham’s German fairytale and tells about a woman who is friends with seven dwarves and is afflicted by a wicked stepmother. Eventually, a witch puts her under a spell and the only thing that can bring her back is true love’s kids.

Although cancel culture would like to change this film significantly, the United States Library of Congress has something else to say. They consider the film to be ‘culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.’ Why is an update even being considered?

Many of the films that Disney made that brought so much joy to our lives are now being looked at by today’s standards. One person even posted online: “As a kid, I never knew how dark and sinister some scenes were.”

The particular scene that has people up in arms about Snow White is when she is kissed by the Prince. For years, people considered it to be a beautiful and romantic kiss, but today people are saying it is kissing without consent.

Although there are some who are complaining about the movie, there is a lot of debate going on. For example, some of the comments included: “I think it’s great we’re opening up the conversation about consent, but people blaming Disney – a romantic kiss at the end of a movie isn’t the reason teenagers become confused about consent.”

Another adds: “It’s a fairytale, leave Disney alone.”

When you get down to it, if she had not been kissed, she would have slept on forever. Yes, the debate continues and it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

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