A woman found some yellow items and asked people on the Internet to help her figure out what they were. Soon, she got an answer.
The online community identified them as corn on the cob holders.
These items have been around since the early 1800s, a time when corn became a common food in many places. Back then, these holders were made from wood or bone and were used to eat corn without burning your hands or struggling with the slippery cob. It’s funny how much effort we put into enjoying those buttery, golden kernels, isn’t it?

Over time, corn on the cob holders have become more modern and better designed.
With improvements in kitchen tools, these skewers now have comfortable handles that are easier and safer to use. It’s like they got a fancy makeover!
Not only are they very useful, but they also have cultural significance. Often used at summer barbecues, picnics, and outdoor gatherings, they represent social bonding and skilled craftsmanship.

Even in today’s kitchens, corn on the cob holders are a must-have for serving and enjoying corn. Loved for their practical design, they let people eat corn without any mess or fuss.
Modern versions come with cool features like heat-resistant handles or fun designs, making them even better.
What a great item!